About Me... 

Hi, I’m Kristen Thalman,

Realtor® + Business Coach

I got my first client as a referral from a childhood friend. I built my business without any fancy tech, without social media (because I was licensed in 2006 when no one knew how to leverage Facebook yet, let alone Instagram or TikTok), and by building relationships at the gym. I took my business from $0 to $90k in my first year to multi-6 figures consistently thereafter.

After mastering real estate sales, I wanted to offer support the industry is lacking. I offer coaching where women come together to be inspired, to grow, to evolve and stretch their minds as business owners. I teach you how to run a business you love and lights you up by impacting more clients.


I spend much of my time thinking about real estate + coaching and the skills agents need to confidently attract more clients to create the life-impacting results they want.

Coaching has the power to transform lives because it changed mine. 

I've been licensed since 2006 but didn't get my coaching certification until 2020. I spent the next year working with my coach to transform the way I thought about myself, my life, and my business. In my world, everything changed, for the better.

At that time in my life, I was already operating a successful real estate business and I knew I wanted to integrate coaching other women to do the same. I took the leap and am so glad I did. There is nothing more rewarding than helping women tap into their passion, to create financial freedom and more confident business owners. Watching their transformations is the reward to helping other women rise to the top.

On a personal note….

⇨ I’ve competed in 2 Ironmans - Ironman Canada + Ironman Cozumel.

⇨ I coach girls volleyball ages 8-12.

⇨ Coffee, long walks in nature and dogs are my jam.

⇨ Most recently, you can find me having fun on the pickle ball court in my free time.

⇨ My favorite place on earth is my brick Italianate circa 1874 house and my second favorite place is Seaside, Florida. 

⇨ I'm an introvert but love connecting with humans who want to have a real and meaningful conversation.

Are you ready to work with me and transform your real estate career?

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